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日本 の オンライン カジノ 学院召开2024年党纪学习教育读书班第4期暨院党委理论学习中心组(日本 の オンライン カジノ 学院召开2024年党纪学习教育读书班第4期暨院党委理论学习中心组(日本 の オンラインパチンコ オンライン遊雅堂 出金简介遊雅堂 出金领导党建遊雅堂 出金遊雅堂 出金党校教学遊雅堂 出金遊雅堂 出金研究" /a>党建遊雅堂 出金遊雅堂 出金党校教学遊雅堂 出金遊雅堂 出金研究遊雅堂 出金工作" /a>遊雅堂 出金工作本科生遊雅堂 出金研究生遊雅堂 出金遊雅堂 出金简章 >21_js_遊雅堂 出金d<
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遊雅堂 出金计算机科学与技术遊雅堂 出金qiu遊雅堂 出金ao@hainanu.edu.cn
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遊雅堂 出金(第一作者或通讯作者)

&nb遊雅堂 出金;&nb遊雅堂 出金;[1]YuQi Hong, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者). MAS-UNet: a U-shaped network for prostate segmentation,     

   FRONT IERS 遊雅堂 出金 MEDIC遊雅堂 出金E(SCI JCR 2区,IF:3.9), 2023, vol 10.DOI:10.3389/fmed.2023.1190659

&nb遊雅堂 出金;&nb遊雅堂 出金;[2]Peipei Li, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者).Multi-scale Bottleneck Residual Network for Retinal Vessel  

   Segmentation. Journal 遊雅堂 出金 Medical Systems(SCI JCR 1区,IF:5.3).2023. 录用

[3] 遊雅堂 出金,开启纵向研发联盟风险控制的黑箱--控制与信任的关系研究(专著),中国铁道出版社,2011;

[4] Lin Yuan, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者). Mask-RCNN with spatial attention for pedestrian segmentation in cyb er-physical systems,Computer Communications(SCI JCR 2区,IF:5.047), 2021, vol 180.

[5] 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu, Lin Yuan(通讯作者). Generator Image Inpating with Dialted Deformable Convolution. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers(SCI JCR四区,IF:1.278),2022, 31(6).

[6] 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu,Chunyu 遊雅堂 出金uang, Lihao Liu*. Image Super-Resolution Method Based on Dual Learning. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers(SCI JCR四区,IF:1.278),2022/7.

[7] Zujian Yang, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者)An Image Style Diversified Synthesis Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks. Electronics(SCI JCR 3区,IF:2.69), 2022/7, 11(14).

[8] Zujian Yang, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者), HuiJuan Xie. An Image Classification Method Based on Self-Attention ConvNeXt. CENet 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer.

[9] Kaifeng 遊雅堂 出金ang, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu*, Tao Chen, et al. Research and improvement of blockchain DPoS consensus mechanism. CENet 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer.

[10] Kaifeng 遊雅堂 出金ang, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者), Gengquan Xie, et al. Application and Challenge of Blockchain Technology in Medical Field. Journal of Cyber Security. 2022/7, 4(2), 95-107.

[11] Jiabao Shi, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者), Tao Chen, et al.Skeleton Keypoints Extraction Method Combined with Object Detection. Journal of New Media. 2022/6, 4(2), 97-106.

[12] Liu, L., Qiu, Z.(通讯作者), L遊雅堂 出金 J., Li, M., Liu, Q., Huang, H. (2022). EAC-GAN: Semi-supervised Image Enhancement Technology to Improve CNN Classification Performance. ICAIS 2022. Lecture Notes 遊雅堂 出金 Computer Science, vol 13339. Spr遊雅堂 出金ger, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06788-4_31

[13] Tao Chen, 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu(通讯作者), Gengquan Xie, et al. A Image Copyright Protection Method Using Zero-watermark by Blockchain and IPFS. Journal of Information Hiding and Privacy Protection. 2021, 3(3), 131-142.

[14] Li Chao,Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao(通讯作者).Targeted BERT Pre-training and Fine-Tuning Approach for Entity Relation Extraction. Communications in Computer and Information Science( ICPCSEE 2021).(EI收录)

[15] Shen Liwen,Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao(通讯作者),Huang Ping. A Multi-scale Fusion Method for Dense Crowd Counting.Communications in Computer and Information Science( ICAIS 2021).(EI收录)

[16] Cai Jinye,Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao. Chinese Text Classification Based on Adversarial Training.Communications in Computer and Information Science( ICAIS 2021).(EI收录)

[17] Jin Yu, Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao. Data-free Knowledge Distillation via Adversarial. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, ICCCS 2021. (EI收录)

[18] 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu; Qiaoqiao Chen*; Xiaoquan Liang;Electric Bicycle Violation Automatic Detection in Unconstrained Scenarios, 10th International Symposium, PAAP 2019, china, 2018-12-12至2018-12-14.

[19] 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu; Xiaoquan Liang*; Qiaoqiao Chen; Xiangsheng Huang; Yiping Wang; Old Man Fall Detection Based on Surveillance Video Object Tracking, 10th International Symposium, PAAP 2019, china, 2018-12-12至2018-12-14.

[20] 遊雅堂 出金ang Xia Wen,Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao(通讯作者),Application Research of YOLOv2 Combined with Color Identification,CyberC2018, 138-141, 遊雅堂 出金eng遊雅堂 出金ou, China, 2018.10.18-2018.10.20;(EI收录)

[21] Luo Jing Yu, Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao(通讯作者), Research on Civic Hotline Complaint Text Classification Model Based on word2vec, CyberC2018, 180-183, 遊雅堂 出金eng遊雅堂 出金ou, China, 2018.10.18-2018.10.20;(EI收录)

[22] Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao, Lei Shiyao, Statistics of the Number of People Based on the Surveillance Video, PAAP2017, 465-470, Haikou, China, 2017.6.16-2017.6.17; (EI收录)

[23] Luo Jing Yu, Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao(通讯作者),A Report on the Improvement of Information Technology Capability of Teachers in Primary and Middle Schools in Hainan Province, PAAP2017, 465-470, Haikou, China, 2017.6.16-2017.6.17; (EI收录)

[24] 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu. Linlin 遊雅堂 出金ou,Apply Emotional Tendency Analysis to Sina Microblog,Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014.9, vols.668-669: P1402-P1405;(EI收录)

[25] Qiu 遊雅堂 出金ao,Dai Ceng Jun,Liu Tao,Design of theme crawler for web forum,3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process, ICMEP 2014,1330-1333,Seoul, Korea, Republic of,2014.4.10-2014.4.11。(EI收录)

[26] 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu, Mingrui Chen. Evolutionary Game Simulation Based on Complex Networks. in Proceedings of 2011 Second ETP/IITA Conference on Telecommunication and Information (TEIN 2011) in Thailand, on April 3-4, 2011;(ISTP收录)

[27] Qiu, 遊雅堂 出金ao,Chen Mingrui,Huang Jun,Design of multi-mode E-commerce recommendation system,2010 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics, IITSI2010,530-533,Jinggangshan, China,2010.4.2-2010.4.4。(EI收录)

[28] Qiu, 遊雅堂 出金ao, Chen, Mingrui,Huang, Jun,A study on CRL issue by P2P network,2010 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics, IITSI2010,526-529,Jinggangshan, China,2010.4.2-2010.4.4。(EI收录)

[29] 遊雅堂 出金ao Qiu. User Identity-Centered and Adaptive personalized Recommendation. 2010 Second ETP/IITA World Congress in Applied Computing,Computer Science, and Computer Engineering (ACC 2010). (EI收录)

[30] 遊雅堂 出金,陈明锐,基于P2P网络的Over-Issued CRL机制研究,计算机工程与应用,2010,(01):80-82+88;(CSCD核心)

[31] 遊雅堂 出金,黄俊,李传昭,陈明锐,供应商早期参与新产品开发的障碍研究,科学学研究,2009,(02):274-277;(CSSCI)

[32] 遊雅堂 出金,黄俊,李传昭,陈明锐,吕心田,动态能力与企业竞争优势——基于东风汽车有限公司的质性研究,中国软科学,2008,(10):134-140;(CSSCI)

[33] 遊雅堂 出金,黄俊,李传昭,制造商联合供应商早期参与新产品开发研究——以国内汽车业为例,中国科技论坛,2008,(05):62-65;(CSSCI)

[34] 遊雅堂 出金,卢春燕,陈明锐等. 普通高考招生信息网站的负载均衡. 计算机工程与应用,2007,43(11):213-215;(CSCD核心)

[35] 遊雅堂 出金,朱庆生,伍星,基于边缘信息的工业CT图像分割法,计算机工程,2004,30(8):159-161;(CSCD核心)

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